Publisert: 26.08.24

BCG Platinion Hackathon 2024

Ready to create impactful solutions for sustainability with a passionate, global community? Join us to build technology that drives the climate agenda forward!

Whether you're an IT architect, a software developer, or simply someone with a deep passion for technology and an interest in IT consulting, this Hackathon is designed with you in mind. Gather with like-minded tech enthusiasts to innovate, create, and transform ideas into reality!

Be part of the BCG Platinion Hackathon and make a lasting difference.

Together, we'll push the boundaries in crafting innovative and exciting  solutions to tackle some of today's most pressing climate and sustainability challenges. We're committed to the power of collaboration and are thrilled to unite a diverse group of global tech experts. Participants from 26 countries will form small teams and work together during a two-day on-site event, hosted in our hubs near Cologne, Casablanca, Dubai, Milan, Santiago de Chile, and São Paulo.

You will collaborate with each other, guided by a team of seasoned BCG Platinion professionals. At the conclusion of the two-day Hackathon, each team will present their project—and yes, there will be prizes for the winners!

Participation is completely free, with all event-related expenses covered by us.

This year's Hackathon focuses on identifying technical solutions that meet the immediate needs of climate and sustainability. Are you prepared to develop new technological approaches that curb environmental degradation? Or to explore how digitalization can boost sustainability across various sectors?

Let's make a difference—together! 

Application deadline is September 22

The Hackathon will take place on October 25-26. The hub for Norwegian participants is Cologne, Germany. 

Om Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



Boston Consulting Group (BCG) er et verdensledende konsulentselskap, innen strategisk rådgivning. Vi bistår toppledelsen i norske og internasjonale selskaper med å løse deres viktigste utfordringer, for å skape og opprettholde varige konkurransefordeler.

Med over 90 kontorer fordelt på 50 land har BCG stor global rekkevidde, og det åpner for mange internasjonale muligheter for våre ansatte. BCG er en kunnskapsbedrift, og kvaliteten på vårt arbeid avhenger av de menneskene som jobber hos oss. Vi ønsker derfor å knytte til oss de aller dyktigste kandidatene fra ulike studieretninger. Å jobbe hos BCG byr på spennende utfordringer og nytenkende løsninger, hvor vi bistår hverandre og våre klienter med å oppnå sitt fulle potensiale.

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Marit Klos

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