Publisert: 22.03.24

BCG Early Bird Internship Campaign is now open!

Our Early Bird campaign offers a limited number of people the chance to apply and be selected for internship 2025 before the main recruitment campaign in the autumn.

The campaign is a unique opportunity to fast track your career by joining our team as a Visiting Associate before everyone else. An internship at BCG gives you hands-on experience on an actual consulting project and the opportunity to make real impact while at the same time learning about BCG and our work and people first hand.

Applications are reviewed on ongoing basis; therefore, we encourage you to send us your documents at any point prior to the deadline.


What do you get as a Visiting Associate at BCG?

  • 2 months of actual work experience on a real consulting project 
  • Flexible beginning and end dates; we offer internships year round
  • Complete integration into one of our project teams
  • Training sessions on essential consulting skills
  • Social activities for team building and networking
  • Learning-oriented environment and a mentor to support your development
  • And naturally, it is a paid internship

Who are we looking for?

Students with solid academic records, strong analytical and interpersonal skills, intellectual curiosity, and great ambition. Our internship positions are applicable to students currently enrolled in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies.


What does the Early Bird campaign entail?

The campaign gives our candidates the chance to be considered, interviewed, and offered an internship as Visiting Associate 2025 before the autumn campaign. This also means that the interview process will be conducted before the summer based on the candidate’s availability and preference.

How to apply?

Submit your resume, cover letter and transcripts (high school to latest available) through our website. Select Consulting - Internship and be sure to mention you are interested in the campaign in your cover letter.

The deadline for Early Bird applications is 02.04.2024. 


Want to know more?

Ask us! Reach out to our recruiter Alexandra: [email protected]
Facebook and Instagram: BCGinNorway

Om Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



Boston Consulting Group (BCG) er et verdensledende konsulentselskap, innen strategisk rådgivning. Vi bistår toppledelsen i norske og internasjonale selskaper med å løse deres viktigste utfordringer, for å skape og opprettholde varige konkurransefordeler.

Med over 90 kontorer fordelt på 50 land har BCG stor global rekkevidde, og det åpner for mange internasjonale muligheter for våre ansatte. BCG er en kunnskapsbedrift, og kvaliteten på vårt arbeid avhenger av de menneskene som jobber hos oss. Vi ønsker derfor å knytte til oss de aller dyktigste kandidatene fra ulike studieretninger. Å jobbe hos BCG byr på spennende utfordringer og nytenkende løsninger, hvor vi bistår hverandre og våre klienter med å oppnå sitt fulle potensiale.

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