Publisert: 12.09.23

BCG Platinion DigiTalent Dinner 2023

Join us for an evening in Oslo to learn all about tech strategy consulting at BCG Platinion!

We invite you to our annual DigiTalent Dinner event for students and young professionals with a passion for technology, who are curious about management consulting.

BCG Platinion is the department of BCG that focuses on strategic tech advisory, specifically in the fields of IT architecture, agile delivery, enterprise solutions and cyber security. We work with international clients on their business-critical tech agenda, securing a successful digital future.

During the evening, you will get to know us in an inhouse company presentation including a real-life case example and entry opportunities. Afterwards, we will move to an offsite dinner to deepen our conversations and make sure, all your questions are being answered.

Quick facts:


Thursday, October 19, kick off at ca 17.30 (exact timing tbc)


BCG in Oslo, followed by an offsite dinner in walking distance

All of your travel expenses to Oslo from other parts of Norway will be reimbursed by us.


You will meet consultants and IT architects from the Oslo BCG Platinion office, plus a recruiter – and we look forward to meeting students and young professionals in a technology or digital business field, preferably with consulting experience.


As seats are limited, please apply with your CV and all university transcripts by following the link below.

Application deadline is October 1, 2023, 23.59. We will notify you in the following week!

Om Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



Boston Consulting Group (BCG) er et verdensledende konsulentselskap, innen strategisk rådgivning. Vi bistår toppledelsen i norske og internasjonale selskaper med å løse deres viktigste utfordringer, for å skape og opprettholde varige konkurransefordeler.

Med over 90 kontorer fordelt på 50 land har BCG stor global rekkevidde, og det åpner for mange internasjonale muligheter for våre ansatte. BCG er en kunnskapsbedrift, og kvaliteten på vårt arbeid avhenger av de menneskene som jobber hos oss. Vi ønsker derfor å knytte til oss de aller dyktigste kandidatene fra ulike studieretninger. Å jobbe hos BCG byr på spennende utfordringer og nytenkende løsninger, hvor vi bistår hverandre og våre klienter med å oppnå sitt fulle potensiale.

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Marit Klos

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