Publisert: 15.01.20


Meet us online, September 18-25.

At BCG Aspire, you will discover your own path to success and be part of an exciting, diverse, and multinational group of more than 120 top university students and BCG consultants. Join us and start building the foundation of your future at our BCG Women’s Workshop. Develop your personal and professional skills. Connect with other talented women and explore how you can grow with BCG.

Female university students (undergraduate, master’s, or PhD programs) from all fields of study are welcome to apply. We are looking for students who have an outstanding academic track record and extracurricular activities, a curious mind seeking new challenges and the drive to make an impact.

Guaranteed interview with BCG Oslo office!  
Did you know? If you would be selected to participate in this event, we will offer you a guaranteed interview with BCG Oslo office (interview for full time or internship position will depend on the current study year you will be enrolled in).

For more information and to apply, visit /

*Please note: this will be a virtual event and will take place for 2-3 hours per day for 6 days (Fri-Fri, excluding weekend).

Application deadline: August 2

We look forward to meeting you!


*Please note: in the light of the recent developments of COVID-19, we have now postponed Aspire to September. As a result of this postponement, the application deadline has been extended to Sunday 2 August, which means that we will only be communicating the outcome of your application shortly thereafter.

Om Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



Boston Consulting Group (BCG) er et verdensledende konsulentselskap, innen strategisk rådgivning. Vi bistår toppledelsen i norske og internasjonale selskaper med å løse deres viktigste utfordringer, for å skape og opprettholde varige konkurransefordeler.

Med over 90 kontorer fordelt på 50 land har BCG stor global rekkevidde, og det åpner for mange internasjonale muligheter for våre ansatte. BCG er en kunnskapsbedrift, og kvaliteten på vårt arbeid avhenger av de menneskene som jobber hos oss. Vi ønsker derfor å knytte til oss de aller dyktigste kandidatene fra ulike studieretninger. Å jobbe hos BCG byr på spennende utfordringer og nytenkende løsninger, hvor vi bistår hverandre og våre klienter med å oppnå sitt fulle potensiale.

Virtual event
1 2 3 4 5
Mina Rundquist

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