Publisert: 01.04.05

Sommerjobb IS Corporate Vetco Aibel

Vi søker studenter til sommerjobber hos IS Corporate. Stillingene er tilpasningsdyktige i forhold til kvalifikasjoner/interesser, men vil kunne inneholde: Organisasjonsutvikling: Serviceorientering av IS. Finans: Global chargeback Sarbane Oxley Prosjektstyring: Justering av IS prosjektstyringsmetodesett IT Arkitektur (Systems/Resources/Technology): IS Global Arkitektur prosjekt Gjør oppmerksom på Vetco presentasjon i Kjelhuset onsdag 6 April, 18-21. Ta kontakt for nærmere opplysninger. Faste stillinger IS Corporate vil utlyses senere.

Om Aibel



Aibel is a leading provider of products and services to the upstream oil and gas industry. We provide production facilities, process systems, technology and products and, on behalf of our oil company, shipowner and field operator customers, we maintain, operate and modify on-and offshore facilities around the world. Our involvement in a project from day one ensures maximum optimization right along the value chain.

A multicultural company of over 100 years of industry experience and more than 4,000 professionals, our dedication to meeting our customers needs is matched only by our equal commitment to innovation, integrity, safety and environmental sustainability.

Billingstad, Asker
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